Ybuntu Ybuntu November 21, 2023

We are happy to announce the launching of Yubuntu Youth Peacebuilding Alliance at this momentous day, a day dedicated to Africa Youth Day. Ybuntu emerged out of the Alliance of Youth-Focused CSOs for National Dialogue (AYCSOND). AYCSOND started last year in October 2022 as a movement for young people to engage in the national dialogue process which the Government of Ethiopia initiated. Working in collaboration with the Ethiopian Civil Societies Organizations Council (ECSOC), the alliance managed to ensure meaningful and inclusive youth engagement in the national dialogue process.


Realizing the importance of engaging young people in the overall peace building endeavors including transitional justice, disarmament, and demobilization, we have transformed the alliance to focus on peace building. All founding members of the alliance unanimously agreed to broaden the alliance objective and give it a name that symbolize our vision and mission. Ubuntu is a word in Bantu language of South Africa. It is a humanist philosophy that emphasizes the interconnectedness and shared humanity of all people. The concept of Ubuntu promotes qualities such as empathy, compassion, respect, and cooperation. In essence, Ubuntu can be summarized as “I am because we are”.


Ybuntu is a coined term used to merge Youth and Ubuntu together to define the “Youth Peace Building Alliance “. Ybuntu can be understood as a guiding principle that promotes harmony and reconciliation within communities and between individuals. It emphasizes the importance of fostering peaceful relationships through understanding, acceptance, and forgiveness.

It encourages individuals to recognize the value and dignity of others and to act in ways that contribute to the well-being of the community.

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