Egna Legna Ybuntu November 21, 2023


Egna Legna Youth Health & Development Organization

ELEYHDO has been working around environment, nutrition, conflict resolution and
peace building, development, and relief programs. Regarding peace building and conflict resolution projects’ the organization implemented projects with different donors, mainly USAID/Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI). The organization has implemented three different but interrelated projects that benefited mainly youth and the community in general.

Worthy mentioned are ELEYHDO implemented a project entitled “Promoting High School Peace Actors in Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia.

In the second phase Expanding Safe Spaces for Positive Youth Engagement. And, in the third phase of the project was “Fostering Youth Relationships to Mitigate Ethno-religious Tensions and Conflicts in the selected woreda of Oromiya region.

All these projects have benefited thousands of people and promoted peaceful coexistence among the community.