Save Your Holy Land Association Ybuntu November 21, 2023

Save Your Holy Land Association

Save Your Holy Land Association

The following are some of the peacebuilding project activities SYHLA implemented since 2020.

  1. We implemented a project entitled “Peace Matters: Dialogue for peaceful Co- existence” in Raya Kobo areas (2020-2022) in partnership with the EU to promote dialogue culture and enhance local and indigenous conflict resolution mechanism.

    1. SYHLA is one of the founding members of a national movement entitled “Ybuntu Youth Peacebuilding Alliance” consisting of more than 70 local CSOs engaging for the meaningful engagement of young people in the upcoming national dialogue and other peace building related initiatives.

  • SYHLA implemented a project entitled “Creating Inclusive Space for Effective Youth Engagement” Project in collaboration with USAID Ethiopia Support Program to enhance the meaningful engagement of young people in the national dialogue and coordinate the engagement of youth CSOs to ensure meaningful participation of young eople in the national dialogue in Amhara Region. In this project, we have organized a capacity-building workshop for 50 youth-focused CSOs on the basics of national dialogue.
  • Under Strategic Partnership Agreement II (SPA-II) of ActionAid Ethiopia peacebuilding and conflict resolution issue is also integrated with development and humanitarian components in our current intervention in South Gondar Zone Guna Begemdir Woreda and Waghimra Zone Sekota Town.
  • Besides, SYHLA is currently implementing a peacebuilding project entitled “Stakeholders Engagement and Local Community Action Matters (SELAM)” project in Waghimra Zone, Sekota Town under the Civil Society Support Program Two (CSSP2) grant fund with a focus on improving the capacity of local institutions and government stakeholders to become resilient institutions and capable advocates of sustainable peaceful co-existence and promoting citizens-state engagement on conflict response.