Tamera Ybuntu November 21, 2023


Tamra For Social Development

Tamra for Social Development Organization (TSD) is a local civil society organization founded in 1998. TSD has a strong track record of over 25 years in implementing community development programs, including volunteerism/community service, youth center services, talent development, job creation, capacity building trainings, youth peace building and health transformation initiatives.

TSD’s commitment to peace building stands as a cornerstone of our initiatives, reflecting a holistic approach deeply embedded within our ethos. Our extensive experience in fostering peace is not only a core value but also a central thematic area seamlessly integrated across various projects. Within this domain, two significant projects spearheaded by TSD have made notable strides in the Oromia region of Ethiopia, underscoring our unwavering dedication to cultivating harmony and stability within diverse communities.

Project #1: “Youth Challenge Initiative (YCI)”
TSD is implementing a project called ‘Youth Challenge Initiative (YCI),’ in Shashemene and Arsi Negele town in Oromiya region in collaboration with Egna Legna Youth Health and Development Organization and Youth Network for Sustainable Development. Under the YCI project, notable milestones have been achieved. The Vision, Health, Talent, and Peace (VHTP) is one of the innovative ideas that has been used as a key implemention strategy of the project. VHTP approach adopted by TSD has proven to be an innovative and transformative methodology that transcends traditional peace-building frameworks. This approach serves as a pivotal instrument in shaping the behaviors and perspectives of youth, fostering active citizenship, and propelling sustainable peace-building efforts. The VHTP approach utilized in the YCI project is a comprehensive strategy designed to empower and mold young individuals by instilling a sense of vision, prioritizing health and well-being, nurturing talents, and enabling them to become active citizens and ultimately fostering peace within communities. It presents a holistic pathway for personal and communal growth, emphasizing the following core elements. The success of the VHTP approach lies in its scalability and adaptability. It has been effectively integrated into various projects and initiatives, serving as a framework for transformation among youth. After being scaled up in one other project we implemented, amidst the backdrop of political instability in Shashemene town, some of the youth who had been involved in the political revolt and burning of the catholic church health center were able to participate in the VHTP sessions. These youth underwent a transformation. They received training, learned from their mistakes, and gave a formal apology to the Church. They also took it upon themselves to rebuild the facility, using their manpower, with financial backing from the Church. This demonstrates the transformative power and scalability of the VHTP approach. Through these distinct yet interconnected projects, TSD continues to exemplify a dedicated and multifaceted approach towards peacebuilding, marking a significant stride in fostering a culture of harmony, active citizenship, and stability within the Oromia region of Ethiopia.
Project #2: “Youth in Peaceful Election Process”

The ‘Youth in Peaceful Election Process’ project, implemented by TSD, in collaboration with Norwegian Church Aid – Ethiopia. It was designed to address the pressing need for peace and stability, particularly in the Oromia region—specifically within Shashemene town, Shashemene Zuria, Negele Arsi, and the West Arsi Zone. This initiative set out to engage 2,000 youths, women, and various community groups to ensure the successful undertaking of a national-level peaceful election. It also aimed to shield these groups from multifaceted socio-economic challenges arising from regional conflicts, encompassing threats to lives, peace, stability, health, education, and migration.

Key Achievements: The project bore substantial fruits in its quest for peace. It empowered youths in promoting culture, intercultural dialogue, and diversity appreciation, contributing significantly to peace-building objectives. Additionally, it facilitated the meaningful involvement of 192 young individuals in the national election processes of 2021, serving as voter educators and peace-building ambassadors. Furthermore, the project successfully strengthened the capabilities of 4,040 youths and women, enabling them to effectively contribute to peace-building initiatives.